I'm told that our lives aren't worth much

They pass by like withering roses

I'm told that time is a bastard

Who sews coats from our disappointments [1]

However someone told me...

That you've always loved me

Someone told me that you've always loved me

Could this be possible ?

I'm told that destiny makes fun of us

Gives us nothing while promising everything

Happiness seems to be at the tips of our fingers

So we reach for it and discover madness

However someone told me...

That you've always loved me

Someone told that me you've always loved me

Could this be possible ?

But who told me that you've always loved me ?

I can't remember, it was so late in the evening

I still hear the voice, but I can't see the face

"He loves you, it's a secret, don't tell him that I told you"

You see someone told me...

That you've always loved me, did you really tell someone

That you've always loved me, could this be possible ?

I'm told that our lives aren't worth much

They pass by like withering roses

I'm told that time is a bastard

Who sews coats from our sorrows

However someone told me...


[1] If you're wondering...this isn't an idiomatic expression. Just poetry...

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    On June 17, 2009 at 4:57 PM Anonymous said...

    thank-you so much for translating this song, its beautiful. I was always so curious as to what it said. Merci! :)


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