Décollage Translation | Alizée


Alizée - Psychédélices

Intro : Who huh...hah doh he hA-li-zée

Who's this chick who teases...take off...

Melancholy in sight

Even in my bed, without a computer

A spiral stairway of dreams

Yeah a spiral, it's spiral

Packing his bags for the invitation

Picking a suit by inspiration

I leave in a blast and that's the detonation

Detonation, yeah a detonation

You hear it when my man is mad

I kiss and I take off

It's an awesome goldmine

A destination, yeah a destination

Withdrawing for a trip

Food in capital letters

Take flight in a shell

An evasion

Yeah it's an evasion

Falling back for a take-off, no altitude

I escape in my shell for sure

Without returning to my departure points

Searching for a star for a date

Stopping-over at my constellation

Constellation, my constellation

Feeling at ease in my shelled bubble

Sadness doesn't have a spot

This bad atmosphere is unrelenting

Pay attention, pay attention

Recharged when I exit

At his sides, down there I feel myself

His look gives me

Palpitation, palpitations

Come and weave me into your petales

My mother-of-pearl, your pearl sleeps

I come in when angels sleep

Situation, that's the situation

When my shell is on top of wave's trough

You could only cry a milligram

Tinkerbell is my only co-pilot

It's in my bubble that it's put into action

Inside, I'm the antidote

Everything will unwind, as we hd

Planned. The plane? But it's not a plane

Like a plane, but the wings of a bird

Falling back for a take-off, no altitude

I escape into my shell for sure

...no landing even if you're a smart-ass

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