
Alizée - Psychédélices

My eyelids are often heavy

Would be nice to close them one day

And sing boredom between the cordons

Of capricious catapults

Please [1] blink, that I may

Leave, and plunge into nursery rhymes

I need a pupil [2], by way of a straitjacket

You make me a firefly [3]

As soon as you find me more beautiful

Don't leave me isolated

Because you know nothing but si la sol [4]

It won't go through as a mask

With words of yesterday

It'll go through with a look

Hidden under devious eyes

I feel capable

Of stopping the rain today

The summer sky is a comedian

The sandman

Left without bidding good night

Too bad, for I feel a bohemian sleep coming

Crossing the hemispheres

On horseback, riding the light

You become my heliport

Scanning the universe all over your eyelids

Returning before dawn

With closed eyelids, you see nothing dark

I'm your business

At your side, I lose my dreams

Eyelids closed

A speck of shadow

Yes I'm your business

At your side, I lose my dreams


[1] to her eyelids

[2] anatomy

[3] no idea what that means

[4] Solfège. In the French Solfège, si la and sol correspond to B A G. However, in the American/Canadian solfège, it is G# A G.

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