Tempête Translation | Alizée

Tempête / Tempest

Alizée - Mes Courants Electriques

A mist, and the day breaks

Into shadow and storm

He sits in mourning

Saint Helen, she who knows her fervor

Tells him:

Dream of another dream, of an Elbian isle

Your friend*...

It's your vigor, rushing towards the one**

Who is always loyal, and then forgets

In love

Count the battles that have hurt you

No more love

All the men have taken off

Poor love

I'm gathering your broken

Oh! Love

Must you mourn for many years

In order to love me?

Eagle, the day rises

Celebrating you

As it should

She, the Beautiful Helen, joins the world

Of the damned

The ogre lies beneath the bark,*** but in his pocket...

Is a heavy secret

It is he, the man who blends

Into ashen rain, whom I loved

*friend is feminine (perhaps Lady Josephine because the song obviously refers to Napoléon Bonaparte)

**celle/the one is also feminine

***buried underground (when standing by a tomb)

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