Email are Winged

Alizée - Mes Courants Electriques

Everything is written

But my life is unique

It's under the ink which

Comes to life, a life I have drawn myself

The author, a heart

Between his artistic fingers

It's him who brushes

Against mine...that beats only to tell him

To tell him:

If love

Is confidential

Return to love

Emails are winged

Words that are sent flying

Memos and mail

It's to the tips of his fingers

That my tangled up words

Are sent flying

Everything is written

But his keyboard weaves for me

Secretive things

Emotions that are mine

Red, two, three brush-ups

It's the result that is delightful

It's his breath who partially opens me*

Who will unbutton my life


*not sure exactly why she will only be partially opened, maybe this line is referring to an actual physical letter

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