J'en ai marre Translation | Alizée

I'm Fed Up

Alizée - Mes Courants Electriques

I have soft skin

In my foamy tub

I splash water around

And laugh about it

My red fish

In my foamy tub

I cup him in my hands

And tell him:

I've got no problems

I laze around

Nothing hard

I just laze around

In my foamy water

It's what's important

To be comfortable in this climate*

I have soft skin

In my foamy tub

I'm feeling hot in the shadow

Of bombs

Everything is so charming

Minor offenses

I make a list of things

That irritate me

I'm fed up of those who cry

Who don't move faster than 2 mph

Who weep and get attached

To an idea about a fixed idea

I'm fed up of those bitch about

Worthless extremists

Who are total pessimists

Who make me feel blue

I'm fed up of the big sister

Who groans about everything then cries

Fed up of the rain and zucchini

Who make me throw up in bed

I'm fed up of cynics

And the crocuses in the fields

I'm fed up of being fed up

That too

I have soft skin

In my foamy tub

No seismic tremors

I bask in my bath

And relax

It's my aquatic state

But there's a catch**


*climate : not necessarily weather

**a catch to getting into that aquatic state

My gosh, I'm just starting to realize the double entendres in all of Alizée's songs when she was still with Mylene Farmer and Laurent. Rain and zucchini ? No "seismic tremors?" Who don't move faster than 2mph? Oh mdr...

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